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#1 Web Development & Designing Company in india – ZTS India
Twelve years anniversary of ZTS Infotech Pvt Ltd celebrated with a new vibe and grandeur this year, with the inauguration of a new corporate office in Kolkata and announcement of the company’s incorporation as ZTS Global Private Limited. A new journey of ZTS Infotech Pvt Ltd version2 begins.
We take this opportunity to thank you all for helping us succeed throughout these years.
To mark the day as memorable, all employees from our three offices in Kolkata were physically present while virtually attending our Houston associates witnessing the ultra-energy reloaded into our raddest crew of associates from our badass web development and digital marketing teams.
“Our new generation employees love their work, and their workplace. Because a major part of the day is spent in their workplace, we understand that work environment got to tune with that,” said Mr. Anirban Das, the MD of ZTS Infotech Pvt Ltd. The announcement of employees of the year, performers of the year sweetened the pot of employees with incentives.
When we’re tasting the new height of accomplishment on individual capacity as well as company-wide, we’re looking forward to the grand party at ITC Royal, Kolkata. A perfect pandemonium set in as the cake cutting started off, with each to grab the bits.
Once again, thank you for helping us make the past 11 years so successful. We look forward to another new height of accomplishment in coming years.
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